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Congratulations on choosing to take this journey of BALANCING YOUR CHAKRAS ! You're already on your way to more peace and prosperity!

When you're starting your journal journey, post to IG (tag @atyoursoulspace so we can support and celebrate you!) Then, join the WHATSAPP GROUP so your community can support and celebrate you!

Alright, grab that journal and let's get started!

1. Root Chakra: What makes you feel grounded and secure in your life?

2. Root Chakra: What fears or anxieties do you have about your basic needs being met?

3. Root Chakra: How do you feel about your relationship with your family and/or community?

4. Sacral Chakra: What brings you pleasure and joy in your life?

5. Sacral Chakra: How do you express your creativity and sexuality?

6. Sacral Chakra: What emotions do you struggle with and how do you cope with them?

7. Solar Plexus Chakra: What are your personal values and beliefs?

8. Solar Plexus Chakra: How do you assert yourself and set boundaries in your relationships?

9. Solar Plexus Chakra: What fears or insecurities do you have about your personal power?

10. Heart Chakra: What relationships in your life bring you love and connection?

11. Heart Chakra: How do you practice self-love and compassion?

12. Heart Chakra: What past hurts or traumas do you need to heal in order to open your heart fully?

13. Throat Chakra: How do you express yourself authentically and honestly?

14. Throat Chakra: What fears or insecurities do you have about speaking your truth?

15. Throat Chakra: How do you listen to and honor your inner voice?

16. Third Eye Chakra: What spiritual practices or beliefs do you have?

17. Third Eye Chakra: How do you connect with your intuition and inner wisdom?

18. Third Eye Chakra: What fears or doubts do you have about trusting your intuition?

19. Crown Chakra: What brings you a sense of purpose and meaning in your life?

20. Crown Chakra: How do you connect with a higher power or divine energy?

21. Crown Chakra: What fears or doubts do you have about your spiritual connection?


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